Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Shawmancer Island (entry 10)

Lost hope today

Rhonda Floam

Capture (again)

I was captured, again, today. I had fallen asleep in the warehouse. I don’t know for how long. When I woke it was dark, and I could barely move. I ached from my cuts and bruises, and had not eaten in … I don’t know. For a while.

Note to Self: Stop complaining Rhonda!

I could see some light. It was torches, and I thought I was rescued. Then I heard the voices. The same guttural mouth-mess. The same coarse words in the same foul dialect. It was the same bastards that had been my jailors. That’s when I knew it was over, and I was done.

They started by getting my attention, by jamming the hot-end of one of the torches onto my arm. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt that kind of pain before. Lucky for me, it was not my writing arm.

Then they dragged me about a mile to this new place, wherever it is. I guess it was too much trouble to carry me. I’m writing this while they talk to the boss to find out what to do with me. I’m hoping someone will find it after I’m gone.

They’re coming back.

Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Shawmancer Island (entry 9)

A worse day

Rhonda Floam


I’m sitting in a pool of stagnant water, in a warehouse somewhere in Partameer. I escaped today.

They came this morning as usual. I thought it was going to be another round of “beat the southerner”, but it looked like they’d had enough. Some guy — I couldn’t see him — was telling my usual three jailers to “get her the hell out of here, and take her to Naller.” Whoever this Naller is, it sounded like they were much more experienced at “extracting” information from unwilling folks like me. I’ll call it torture. Scared the hell out of me, but I didn’t get a chance to say anything because they quickly gagged me, blindfolded me, and tied my hands, and started taking me out of whatever place they had me in.

At first I felt wooden floors, and then we were outside. There was a slight wind.

They were leading me somewhere, I think down some alleyways or some place where buildings were close by on either side, and then all of a sudden, I heard the fight.

I found myself in the middle of it, and knocked to the ground. It sounded like quite a tussle, but I wasn’t going to wait around to see who won. I had no faith that anybody was on my side.

I managed to pull off the blindfold, and saw I was, in fact, in an alleyway. It was night, so it was dark. No street lights. I just ran. Nobody noticed. They were too busy beating on each other. I ran quite a ways. Turning a corner I tripped over something in the street (a dog carcass, I think). Got scratched up pretty bad, but it was also lucky. My view from lying face-down on the street I could see a small opening in the wall of the building next to me. I managed to crawl in, and just in time. I could hear several folk running by. They were looking for me.

Turns out I’m in a cold warehouse. It holds fish, a lot of fish, so I found a crate I could hide under and pulled some of the fish on top of me.

For the last hour I’ve been trying not to wretch from the smell, and trying not to freeze to death. If I sleep, I might not wake up.

Writing helps keep me awake. Thinking about Bobby and hoping he’s okay. Just thinking about him in a war in Naldrin makes me so mad! Good. That keeps my heat up.

Writing helps. I love to write. Always have.

Too cold. Hard to get my fingers go

Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Shawmancer Island (entry 8)

A bad day

Rhonda Floam

Three of them

I’m writing this in a hurry. They just left. Three of them; an ushen (I was right!) and two humans.

All three are scoundrels, bullies, the kind of folk that really enjoy dishing out the punishment. They did a number on me. I can barely write, but I’m madder than a heolas in hell so here goes!

They keep asking me where the “stone” is. Sometimes they call it an “eye”. I don’t know what they’re talking about. The asked about my Nossring “buddies”. I told him I don’t know any Nossring. That got a fist in the face and a couple of lashes.


They came back before I expected it, so I had to stop, but getting back to it now while it’s still the same day. I think I passed out for a few minutes or maybe longer. Hard to tell when there’s no sunlight.

My jailors seem to be from Shawmancer. They were mostly speaking some kind of strong local dialect. I could pick out some of it from working with the folks at the paper. Most of the “dialogue” was non-verbal. Punching and slapping were their favorites, though they liked to kick the hell out of me if I fell down. They took that as a sign of disrespect. Metal-shod boots didn’t help. They looked familiar; a particular make. Maybe the boots of beast riders.

One of the human’s is named Torshan. The ushen called him, which got Torshan pissed, so he gave a hard jab in the ushen’s ribs. I could see it hurt the ushen. That was definitely the highlight of my day.

This “stone” that they’re looking for seems to be something powerful, and they seem to want it badly. I think for someone else; for whoever it is they work for.


I think I passed out again. Not sure what time of day, or night, it is. I need to find out who they’re working for, and why they think I know where this stone is. I think it’s because of the nossring I met on the ship. There always did seem to be something more to those guys than they were saying.

No food today.

Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Shawmancer Island (entry 7)

The next day

Rhonda Floam

It’s busy outside!

They’ve fed me twice now. Not nearly enough. The blood on my head has dried and, as best I can tell from feeling around, the wound doesn’t seem deep. There’s no mirror in my accommodations. Oh my, I’m shocked!

The head still hurts, though. I need to see someone about that. Good luck to me!

I can’t see anything from this room. The only light I have comes through a slit in the door, so I can’t tell if it’s day or night. I sleep, but don’t know for how long. Totally lost track of the days. Damn! And, damn, again! I don’t like being kept in the dark — physically or, well, any other way!

Writing helps. Focuses the mind.

I can hear sounds from outside the room, and outside the building, or whatever it is I’m in. They’re muffled so I’m guessing I’m under street level. I could hear carts and horses and something like a small herd of animals (I think maybe phrellas) passing through and some shouting like folk driving them. It seems busy. Well, busy for Partameer, which isn’t saying a lot. I think I might be somewhere near the western edge of town. There’s phrellas ranches in that area.

My jailers aren’t very talkative. I tried getting some conversation going earlier today when they gave me my food (breakfast?). All I got in return was a grunt. I provided some choice words in response, and then I got some choice words back. Three to be precise. I’ve had better insults.

The speaker had a heavy accent. The language sounded a bit like Brutach, the native ushen language. Okay, maybe I’m getting somewhere. Just not very fast, though.

I’ve looked over the room pretty thoroughly by now. The walls are hard clay, probably over some kind of brick. Plenty sturdy, though they could use a good cleaning. The floor is hard-packed dirt. No way to dig without being noticed, but I’m trying it anyway.

Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Shawmancer Island (entry 6)

What day is it?

Rhonda Floam

Where am I?

I woke up groggy, lying in a pile of rags and old bedding that reeks of vomit, and something else. I’m not sure what. I’m too muddled to figure it out, and it’s not my top priority.

They took everything away from me; my knife, belt, bellen pouch, and the rest. They didn’t find the paper and my pen, so I guess I’m lucky — congratulations to me!. Or, maybe they just didn’t care because I don’t know who in a hollow man’s hell took me!

I remember saying good night to Horrence and the guys at the paper. It was a late night. I’m pretty sure of that. Then I walked home. The usual route. It’s a seedy part of town, but I’d gotten used to it. I remember walking by the Last Cup. It’s a nasty place, with nasty folk. I can always smell the place before I see it. Reminds me of a few places in Tier One of Naldrin.

Somebody was leaning against the building, a tall guy. After I passed him he started following me. I remember now, though. He didn’t follow for long. He was so drunk he could barely walk and he seemed to be asking me to buy him a drink. I turned back once and he was leaning against the building again, looking like he was trying to hold it up.

Then what? I walked another block, no two blocks. I just passed Wannman’s bakery and somebody was there. Two somebodys. I think one was human, male, and the other was a woman. I think she was ushen. She was big.

They were standing at the other end of five corners, under a lamp tree, watching  me. I usually don’t think much of that. It happens, and I can take care of myself. But, they started an argument. Then a scuffle. They moved up the street in my direction, and blocked my way for just a minute or two … YES! That was it! They were delaying me.

When I got back to my place, the door wasn’t shut properly. I was too tired to think about it. I was in a hurry that morning, so I figured I just didn’t get it shut all the way.

What then? I made some tea. To help me sleep.

Then what? I got up from the table to go to bed. I felt dizzy. I think I fell. There was an image of the ceiling like I was looking up at it from the floor. Then somebody was standing over me. No, two. No, three. Hoods covered the faces, damn!

And, now I’m here, wherever ‘here’ is, writing to remember and to document as much as I can. My head hurts and so does my left arm.

Voices! They’re coming!

Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Shawmancer Island (entry 5)

Kogu 50, SP~4,909

Rhonda Floam

A Week of Worry

I haven’t written for a week. I’ve just been too worried. But, today I got a blink bat from Naldrin City. It was from Dannull, one of Bobby’s best friends. They’re all okay. Not that they deserve to be. There is fighting in the Second Tier of the City and Bobby, of course, was in the front of the Naldrin defenders. That idiot! I have no interest in heroes, but I do have an interest in a brother who is alive and well.

I’m going to talk to Horrence about leaving. I think I need to get back home and help with the war. It’s hard to think about it all, though.Fighting on the Second Tier is not good!

I’ve been needing a distraction and classes are it.

As to how they’re going, I’m actually astonished. Things are going far better than I’d expected. Ed’s earlier comment about the Guilds being a narrow way to see the world – well, he also thinks that sorcery is a point of view just as valid as Guild Science. Amazing! We’ve become friends.

Also, they told me yesterday that they are indeed sorcerers. I was right!

Apparently, sorcery is the tradition in these parts. But, they’re very open to all I’ve been saying about the Guilds channels, the history of the Continent, and even about the science we know about from the work of the Guild Energetic Research Council.

I have to admit that what I’ve heard about these “barbarians” misses the mark, considerably.