The Origin of the Ten Races: Introduction

Editors Note:

Dorromee Ado, Grand Scholar, the Six Guilds, Tarnath

While there are many races and creatures on the Tamarran Continent, the Ten Races, as they like to call themselves, are unique among them. They hold a special place in the world as the only races that have an affinity with, and therefore control over, all of the Six Energies that make up the world. They also have the distinction of being the most politically consequential of all the races and, for that reason, have a special place in the history of Tamarra.

Because of their prominence among the creatures of the continent the Guilds have asked one of our highly esteemed colleagues, Suman Tammring of the Nossring Nation, to provide a brief summary of the origins of each of these Ten Races. Since the nossring folk are not one of the Ten Races, we are sure that Suman will give an objective view of the Ten.  Of course, the full scope of describing the Ten Races would require multiple volumes for each of them; however, it is the Guild’s belief that it is helpful to the folk of our continent to have a shared understanding of the Ten Races, so we understand their place in our lives and in the workings of the world.

I will leave my introduction there; short, but to the point, and will give the remaining pages over to my friend, and valued colleague, Suman Tamming, with my thanks and the thanks of the Guilds for her willingness to perform this important task.

Dorromee Ado, Grand Scholar, the Six Guilds, Tarnath

Kogu 17, SP~5,022


I am Suman Tammring, son of Wedder, First Leader of Catalog of History for the Nossring Nation.  We live in the northern half of the Tamarran Continent, in a long valley between two ranges of the Rimmel Mountains and the Great Eastern Farm Lands.  We are a nation that takes pride in the dignity of living beings — fiercely loyal to those we call our friends, and relentless adversaries to those who have earned our wrath.  

I am from Merring City, in the western Rimmel Mountains, where we are friends to the great whooshenawa tribes. The whooshenawa are a nation of great feathered beings, with a wingspan of up to 25 feet.  Some call them “birds”, and at first look, that is what they would seem. However, they are an old race, and wise, and have seen much of the history of the Tamarran Continent. There is, of course, much more of their story told in the famous book, “Imbelnhi’s Bestiary: Being a Travelers Account of Our Continent and Her Creatures,” and I would refer you to that excellent tome for knowledge of the whooshenawa, and of many other creatures of Tamarra.

We Nossring have watched for years, measured in thousands, the events on our continent of Tamarra.  Long ago we formed a Bond of Souls with our whooshenawa neighbors. This bond was formed from Spirit Energy (one of the Six Energies) and it allows us to send our nossring spirits out with them as they fly throughout the world, and gives us the ability to see the world through their eyes.  As masters of the wind, the whooshenawa have carried our souls throughout the lands of Tamarra, and we have seen much of the world, its beings, and its history. Some sights were compelling enough that we journeyed to those places. From these many journeys we have come to know many of Tamarra’s folk; their nations, their languages, and their ways.

The history of our race and our travels gives us a unique perspective on our Tamarran Continent, and, as such, we can tell the deep history of this place. I shall tell this history, beginning with that of the Great Races, known today as The Ten Races.  

The Ten Races have a connection to each of the Six Energies: the Inner Energies (Emotion and Mental); the Outer Energies (Soman and Physic); and the Ethereal Energies (Spirit and Shadow).  The Guilds call this connection to an Energy an “affinity” with that Energy.  The ability to make that Energy do one’s bidding is called “channeling” that Energy, and those who are able to perform this ability are called Channels.  

It is unusual among the creatures of our continent to have a connection to each of the Six Energies.  Most creatures and folk have no particular connection with the Six Energies and no ability to channel any one of them.  Others have a connection with perhaps one or two of the Energies. So, because of their unique affinity with each of the Six Energies, the Ten Races have earned a prominent place in our world.

Channels have been among us for a long time, but those who call themselves Sorcerers have been here longer. Both names are known today. In the past, Sorcerers have been called witches and enchanters, and also mages and divinists. Their enemies have called them diabolicals and demonists. We know now that the power housed within a living being is neither good nor evil. It is simply a tool that may be used for good or evil as the mortal who holds the ability decides.

The members of the Ten Races have created the greatest cities and nations on the Continent.  Sometimes this was done by a single race, but most often several of the races worked in unison (or sometimes in competition). Such great cities include the city of Tarnath, Naldrin City, Eldrim City, and the Region of Jowea in the northern part of Tamarra. There is also Fekka and Dastl of the Undying Vale, as well as Zshorrihsh, Oshzen, and Zhonee of the great Zweyjen City-States in the south.

One more thing must be said before speaking to the long history of the Ten Races.  Long ago, there were three other races that were also made in the manner of The Ten; they also had access to and control of each of the Six Energies.  These were the Brammoth, the giant creatures fair of heart; the Farddell, the fastest creatures of all, who roamed freely across the plains of Tamarra; and the Shassellin, creatures of the deepest parts of the ocean.  Each of these races was born at the beginning of the Third Era of the Fifth Age of the World, our current period of time. Each was destroyed many thousands of years ago.

I will tell the stories of these mighty creatures.  But first I will tell the story, most briefly, of each of the Ten Races.

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